Jonathan Alder Jonathan Alder

Jonathan Alder profile Jonathan Alder profile

It all started in the second grade when I skipped recess to finish a creative writing project with a very serious subject matter: zombies, and cursed magic, on an ancient burial ground, in Disney Land. That sounds cooler now than it probably was.

Despite my creativity having peaked in the second grade, I’ve been writing stories ever since. You’ll probably never get a chance to read those early books, unless they resurface as blackmail, in which case, I deny everything.

After getting kicked out of one university and graduating from another, I now work full-time in data analytics. I like to think I wrote enough during my academic career to justify publishing as a full-fledged adult who still doesn’t understand taxes. I write during my spare minutes and can often be observed staring off into space. Don't worry, I'm just working out the next plot point.

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