Jonathan Alder Jonathan Alder
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Yet Another Writer's Blog . . .

September 27, 2021 | Blogging | Jonathan Alder

I think I read somewhere that maintaining a blog is a mandatory practice for all writers, because . . . reasons. So here you go. You're welcome.

All jokes aside, this will be a good opportunity for me to document my milestones in writing. I may also do the occasional review/analysis of stories I enjoy. Sometimes, I may even share insights on the writing process that I've gained over the years.

So yeah. Blog. Real cool. And in typical me fashion, I obviously had to program it from scratch because I'm too darn stubborn to use WordPress. I'll build it up over time like I've done to my site. Maybe one day I'll even implement comments so y'all can argue about my wrong opinions, the Oxford comma, and other extremely important topics.

(I think I'm funnier than I am.)

Bye for now!

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